Taiwan Earthquake 7.4

Taiwan skilled a powerful earthquake today. here are the information:

Significance: The earthquake had a value of 7.4 and struck off the coast of Hualien on Taiwan’s east coast 12.

Impact: Buildings collapsed, and landslides had been caused by using the quake. Tragically, four people misplaced their lives, and round 700 others were injured 1.

Tsunami caution: Nearby Japan issued a tsunami caution due to the earthquake. Tremors had been felt for over a minute in Taipei, wherein information declares confirmed footage of buildings shaking. Tsunami waves as excessive as 30 centimeters hit the shore on Yonaguni Island in Japan, and residents on Okinawa, Miyako, and Yaeyama islands had been cautioned to transport far from coastal regions 2.

Our thoughts are with the ones laid low with this natural disaster.

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